Great options for vanguard vacations

Right now, Polish citizens are flying whole around the world. We’re visiting America, driving on an elephants in Thailand, and do a lot of tours around Barcelona. All thanks to cheap airline companies, which are affordable for us, since Poland became member of European Union.

But if you like your holidays to be more vanguard, here are two interesting options for you.
Do you ever visITed Russia? When not, you need to book flights to Petersburg immediately, cause this amazing town is the best. It was build in the 18th century from the real start, as an icon of


Autor: Ana Paula Hirama

Russian domination in this area of continent . Thanks to that, architecture up here is astonishing. You would find in there not only great examples of temples, but even a lot of houses and art galleries. Flights to Petersburg are worth to be reserved, only because of the Ermitage Gallery, where you could find pieces of greatest artists in the Europe – Rembrandt, Rubens, Picasso and far more.


Autor: Roman Boed
If you are an admirer of nature, you need to book cheap flights to Slovakia. That great country, located next to our southern border, will satisfy anyone, who like to spend holidays in really active way. You will find in there great landscapes within the mountains, lovely rivers, and ancient forest. If you are just into cheap flights to Slovakia, you have to book your tickets several months ahead, because this destination is very popular . Also, don’t take registered baggage option – you need to pay for it more. Carry on would be enough.
Depending on the way you like to spend your free week, another alternative will be nicer for you.

Try Petersburg when you want to explore phenomenal city, stuffed with fine objects of architecture. But when you better like to get in touch with environment, you have to go to Slovakia, wildlife in there is breathtaking.